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PhD Handbook

19 • StKl. VI: For your second or third job. This bracket corresponds to the highest tax rate. If you are employed according to the TVöD regulations, you can check your net income at: In Germany, a church tax is also deducted from your salary if you belong to one of the churches that participate in the church tax system (most of the German Christian churches). Membership in a church is noted on your pay slip and you can opt out if you are not a member of a congregation. You can do this, for example, when you complete your city registration. At the beginning of a calendar year, you have the option to file an application for tax return for the previous year with your local revenues office. This means you may have part of your taxes refunded. If you have chosen to be in bracket III, V or VI, you are obliged to file the application for tax return by the end of May of the following year. Consult your administration, a tax adviser or (in German only) for support. 4.3 THE GERMAN HEALTH SYSTEM The German health system has a good reputation and a network of hospitals and doctors throughout all regions – but medical treatment in Germany is never free! All costs, even for emergency treatment, must be paid for by you or your health insurance. Comprehensive health insurance is there- fore very important and proof must be provided when you visit a doctor, normally by means of your health insurance card. Whom to contact in case of illness? Dependent on your institute’s practice, you should contact the respective responsible person in case of illness (e.g., supervisor, secretary etc.). In case of sickness for 3 or more days, you will likely require a medical certificate from your doctor (e.g., general practitioner/GP “Allgemeinarzt”). However, check the exact requirements with the administrati- on at your institute/center. Medical services If you need to consult a doctor, you may ask your colleagues to recommend one. A list of doctors can also be found in the local directory (“Gelbe Seiten”). A general practitioner (“Hausarzt” or “Allgemeinmediziner”) will refer you to a specialist, if necessary. Some doctors and assistants do not speak English; therefore it might be advisable to bring a native speaker to a doctoral appointment. You will usually make an appointment in advance. In case of emergency, you will be treated immediately. Otherwise, you may have to wait for an appointment, mostly a few days, for some specialists even weeks. Emergency services At the weekends, doctors’ offices are normally shut, but emergency services are available 24/7. Please call medical emergency or the on-call service “ärztlicher Notdienst” or “Bereitschaftsdienst”. If you need medication at night or during the weekend, please look for the pharmacy’s emergency service “Apotheken-Notdienst”. Keep the receipt for any treatment costs safe! Emergency numbers (free of charge): Medical Emergency & Fire Department: 112 Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst: 116 117 Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst: 116117
