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Annual Report 2014

Core funding for the Helmholtz Association for fiscal year 2014 increased to around 2.69 billion euros from approx. 2.53 billion euros during the previous year. Development of resources The Helmholtz Association’s mission is to conduct forward- looking research that contributes to solving the major and pressing problems of science, society and industry. The Helmholtz Association is the largest scientific organisation in Germany with around 37,000 staff members at 18 research centres and a total annual budget of more than 3.95 billion euros. Approximately 70 per cent of its funds are provided by Germany’s federal and state governments at a ratio of 90 to 10. The centres raise around 30 per cent of the total budget themselves in the form of third-party funding. The association uses these funds to carry out cutting-edge research. The fol- lowing pages present a range of informative indicators show- ing the Helmholtz Association’s performance and potential. RESOURCES Entwicklung der Ressourcen 491 283 145 63 2013 budget showing core and third-party funding for the research fields (including funds for the non-programme-linked research used to expand existing research programmes) Million € Energy Researchfield Earth and Environm ent Health Key Technologies Structure ofM atter Aeronautics,Space and Transport PC I* PC II Third-party funds *including funds for portfolio topics, the Helmholtz institutes, the Helmholtz share of the German Centres for Health Research and the Cancer Information Service The bar chart shows core and third-party financing as actual costs for 2013. Actual costs are the funds that were in fact used by the research centres during the year under review. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 659 154 505 587 308 279 323 194 35 94 703 163 382 158 333 535 202 PC I* and PC II without third-party funds 21% PC II PC I*79% 491 283 145 63 2013 budget showing core and third-party funding for the research fields (including funds for the non-programme-linked research used to expand existing research programmes) Million € Energy Researchfield Earth and Environm ent Health Key Technologies Structure ofM atter Aeronautics,Space and Transport PC I* PC II Third-party funds *including funds for portfolio topics, the Helmholtz institutes, the Helmholtz share of the German Centres for Health Research and the Cancer Information Service The bar chart shows core and third-party financing as actual costs for 2013. Actual costs are the funds that were in fact used by the research centres during the year under review. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 659 154 505 587 308 279 323 194 35 94 703 163 382 158 333 535 202 PC I* and PC II without third-party funds This increase comprises the five per cent boost in funding from the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation II and the further increase in funding for certain special projects that receive additional financing from the state and federal governments. These projects include in particular the German Centres for Health Research, which are currently being established and expanded and are set to be completed by 2015 (total volume for 2013: 77 million euros). At first glance, it appears as if, with the exception of the research field Key Technologies, overall financial resources have been equally spread across all of the research fields. But upon closer inspection it becomes clear that the resources allocated to the research field Structure of Matter are invested primarily in research infrastructure and user platforms (Performance Category II). As a whole, in-house research in the Helmholtz Association’s 30 research programmes (Performance Category I, or PC I) accounts for the predominant share of the allocated funds. in million € (federal and state governments) Funding 2013 Funding 2014 Increase in Joint Initiative (5%) Increase for special projects over 2013* *German Centres for Health Research (federal/state governments) and Berlin Institute of Health 2,690.8 132.2 2,533.6 25 Growth 2013–2014 Currently around 21 per cent of resources are allocated to research infrastructure and user platforms. This proportion, which has remained relatively constant over the past ten 491 283 145 63 2013 budget showing core and third-party funding for the research fields (including funds for the non-programme-linked research used to expand existing research programmes) Million € Energy Researchfield Earth and Environm ent Health Key Technologies Structure ofM atter Aeronautics,Space and Transport PC I* PC II Third-party funds *including funds for portfolio topics, the Helmholtz institutes, the Helmholtz share of the German Centres for Health Research and the Cancer Information Service The bar chart shows core and third-party financing as actual costs for 2013. Actual costs are the funds that were in fact used by the research centres during the year under review. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 659 154 505 587 308 279 323 194 35 94 703 163 382 158 333 535 202 PC I* and PC II without third-party funds 21% PC II PC I*79% 38 PERFORMANCE RECORD

