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AI in the green digital ERA: Quo vadis?

The digital transformation and the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring solutions to many societal challenges.

Benefits are expected in different sectors, such as personal healthcare, smarter transport services, efficient manufacturing, and optimized energy exploitation. In light of the German EU Council presidency, we want to focus on the added value of multidisciplinary research and innovation activities in the field. How can we avoid working in silos and overcome the limits of current digital technologies in terms of capacity, speed and energy consumption? Are there policy steps that should be prioritized at a European level to boost the potential of AI in the green digital ERA? Our high-level guests from politics, science and industry will share their insights and their experiences with you. 

The Helmholtz EU event took place on:

“AI in the green digital ERA: Quo vadis?”
10 November 2020, 14:00 – 15.30 CET
ONLINE – www.helmholtz.de

Event report

Read the full event report here.

Invitation Helmholtz Annual Event Brussels

Invitation Helmholtz Annual Event Brussels: “AI in the green digital ERA: Quo vadis?”

Event program


In conversation with

Wolf-Dieter Lukas, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association

Keynote by

Roberto Viola, General-Director of DG Connect, European Commission

Focus on science – “Enabler and beneficiary: Helmholtz drives smart digitalization”

Wolfgang Marquardt, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich, Vice-President of the Helmholtz Association (Research Field Key Technologies)

 Panel discussion – “How to build on today's results to meet tomorrow's challenges”

  • Maria da Graça Carvalho, Member of the European Parliament
  • Laure Le Bars, Vice-President of the Big Data Value Association and Research Project Director, SAP Research & Innovation
  • Fabian Theis, Director of the Institute of Computational Biology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, and Scientific Director of Helmholtz AI
  • Roberto Viola, General-Director of DG Connect, European Commission
  • Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association

Closing remarks –“What steps to take next” 

  • Annika Thies, Director of the Helmholtz Office Brussels
  • Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association

15:30 END

Moderator: Kristine August, Helmholtz Association

Download Event program (PDF)


Büro Brüssel


Kristine August

PR & Public Affairs Managerin/Stellvertretende Leiterin Büro Brüssel