Helmholtz Network Newsletter 10|2020
Dear readers,
A memorable year is coming to an end – a year marked by sudden changes, by uncertainty, even fear, but also by steep learning curves, by "making things possible" and by people who have risen above themselves.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for letting us accompany you throughout this special year - and for making the switch to digital with us, exploring new formats to explore and discuss leadership with your peers and us.
And yes, it is different and we, too, look forward to the day when we can welcome you again in person - but we have also learned that physical distance does not necessarily mean social distance and that in fact it is possible to create a learning environment and a sense of community in a digital space.
Therefore, we already look forward to the many inspiring encounters and conversations with you in 2021, be they in person or online.
We wish you all relaxing holidays, a best possible start into the New Year and above all (continued) good health.
With best regards,
Your Talent Management Team at the Helmholtz Association Head Office in Berlin
Korinna Strobel, Julia Eberhardt, Johannes Freudenreich, Mandy Ritsche, Esther Strätz and Irena Wiederspohn
1. Helmholtz Leadership Academy: New in 2021
Starting in 2021, the Helmholtz Leadership Academy will expand its existing range of courses to include a qualification program specifically for people who work across centers and with (inter)national consortia, networks, campaigns or (EU) projects that are organized in a matrix-like structure.
The "Leading in the Matrix" program focuses in particular on the contribution and special features of lateral leadership and is primarily aimed at persons who, without formal authority, steer cooperation in the matrix towards a common goal (e.g. science managers, coordinators, staff and administrative members who manage complex projects, program managers of larger programs, user coordinators, etc.). The program starts in August 2021.
Already in 2020, the first cohort of our new English-language program "Leading with Impact" started, which is targeted at experienced international executives. Due to high demand, the Helmholtz Leadership Academy will offer the program again in 2021. The next cohort of "Leading with Impact" will start in March 2021.
If you have any questions about current programs, dates or selection procedures, please contact the respective academy contact person at your center. Employees of other scientific organizations please contact the Academy team at the Helmholtz Head Office Berlin.
2. Save the date: Presentation of Certificates and Leadership Lab on June 16 and 17, 2021
In 2021, the Helmholtz Leadership Academy once again invites you to its annual network meeting, offering an all-day event to reflect on your leadership practice, gain new insights and exchange ideas with old and new acquaintances about current challenges and developments.
The event will take place either at the Umweltforum in Berlin or online.
If we can meet in person, then the traditional ceremonial presentation of certificates to our Academy graduates will also take place the day before. Since this year's event could not take place and some academy programs had to be rescheduled, all graduates who have completed or would have completed their program in 2018 and 2019 are invited to attend in 2021.
Please make a note of June 16 and 17, 2021 for both events. Participation is by invitation only.
For further information please contact Esther Strätz, Manager Helmholtz Leadership Academy, and Mandy Ritsche, Coordinator Academy & Mentoring, at akademie(a)helmholtz.de or Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, at netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de.
3. Helmholtz Leadership Academy online: „Effective Leadership in Uncertain Times“
Since July, we have offered a short, monthly online format, to share and discuss with you insights and ideas on various aspects of interpersonal leadership as well as the impact of the current moment: What changes when work becomes more mobile, more dispersed? What remains? What is (even more) important?
We would like to continue the offer in 2021 and look forward to your suggestions on topics as well as format. Please share your feedback and ideas with Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, at netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de.
4. Leadership@Helmholtz: compact - apply now for 2021
The Helmholtz Network continues to offer Academy participants and alumni the opportunity to continue their leadership development through follow-up workshops with their cohort.
The offer includes rooms for the workshop at Berlin headquarters including catering. In addition, we cover the trainer's fee and assist in the organization of the workshop. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.
For questions on modalities and the application process, please contact Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, and Mandy Ritsche, Coordinator Academy & Mentoring, at netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de.
5. Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups: Helmholtz funds 10 more Internationally Experienced Young Talents
From a total of 29 applications, 17 researchers were invited to meet with an interdisciplinary panel of experts chaired by the President of the Helmholtz Association in October. Of these, 10 were ultimately approved for funding, meaning that over a period of five years, they will now receive financial support of at least 300,000 euros per year to establish their own research group.
We congratulate all successful candidates and look forward to welcoming them to Helmholtz and the Helmholtz Leadership Academy in 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact Julia Eberhardt, Program Manager Young and Early-stage Researchers, at julia.eberhardt(a)helmholtz.de.
6. You’ve got News?
You have recently changed jobs, received an award for your work – or are planning an event that might be of interest to other people in the network? Then please let us know!
If you send us a short paragraph about your achievement or news and preferably also a recent picture of you (including copyright info), we will include it in the next Network Newsletter!
Please send your contribution to netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de. Thank you.