Helmholtz Network Newsletter 06|2020
Dear readers,
After introducing the #corona diaries as a more immediate communication format during the first half of the year, we now return to our established format, the Helmholtz Network Newsletter.
What we take away from the first half of the year, though, is a wealth of experience in e-moderation and online learning, which we are incorporating into our new, monthly digital format "Helmholtz Academy online", and you can expect regular updates on and invitations to the format from us.
We are also pleased that our colleague Johannes Freudenreich has returned to the team after a year of parental leave. Johannes Freudenreich continues to serve as your contact for topics concerning early career scientists, with a focus on doctoral students. Welcome back!
We wish you a nice summer and stay healthy,
Your Talent Management Team
Korinna Strobel, Julia Eberhardt, Johannes Freudenreich, Mandy Ritsche, Esther Strätz and Irena Wiederspohn
1. In-person workshops to resume in September
Both the mentoring program "Helmholtz Advance" and the Helmholtz Leadership Academy will resume in-person operations beginning in September, if the overall situation remains stable.
We look forward to seeing current participants who will be completing their programs in September and to personally welcoming new participants, whose programs were postponed.
If you have any questions about the Academy programs, please contact Esther Strätz, Head of the Helmholtz Leadership Academy, or Mandy Ritsche, Coordinator Academy & Mentoring, at akademie(at)helmholtz.de.
If you have any questions about the mentoring program, please contact Julia Eberhardt, Manager Talent Management, and Mandy Ritsche, Coordinator Academy & Mentoring, at mentoring(at)helmholtz.de.
2. Helmholtz-Akademie online: „Wirksame Führung in unsicheren Zeiten“
For the second half of the year, we would like to continue providing you with an online platform to exchange ideas with other Academy participants and alumni and gain new insights on topical leadership issues.
The focus of the new online format will be on interpersonal leadership. What changes due to increased workforce mobility and flexibility? What remains? What do leaders have to focus on when working with remote and/or dispersed teams?
Each topic consists of two 60-minute online sessions. To prepare for the two sessions, you should plan another 60 minutes. Topics with title and description in German will be held in German, topics with English information are held in English. Registration is required.
Registration and participation
Each topic will be announced about two weeks before the event. A registration is possible only during that time and for the advertised topic. Approximately 1 week before the first session, you will receive further information on the planned sessions. Approx. 2 days before the first session, you will receive the invitation link for both zoom meetings. If a topic is fully booked, we will inform you directly.
Participation is limited to 18 persons. Please register only, if you can attend both sessions. Thank you.
In August we will discuss the question of how to effectively built up and strengthen virtual teams
Building New Teams Remotely
August 6 and 11, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
How do you build up a new team remotely? How do you foster a strong team spirit? How do you provide guidance and orientation in times of uncertainty? Team development has always been a challenge for teams and leaders. In these two one-hour sessions, we will explore, which of the familiar concepts of team building are still valid and what is unique about working with remote and/or dispersed teams.Register now at netzwerk(at)helmholtz.de!
If you have any questions, please contact Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, at netzwerk(at)helmholtz.de.
3. #leadership insights made by Helmholtz
We would also like to share with you one last handout, which was developed by participants of the program "Führung übernehmen" as part of their Leadership Insights. The theme of the group was collaborative writing and notetaking using Google Docs, Confluence, ShareLaTeX and other programs.
Our thanks go to Martin Hammitzsch (GFZ) and Maryna Bondarava (HMGU) as well as Stephan Druskat (DLR), Bernadette Fritzsch (AWI) and Thomas Schnicke (UFZ) from HIFIS - Helmholtz Federated IT Services, but also to all other participants and alumni who shared their knowledge and insights with the network over the last months. Many thanks!
All three handouts on the usage of online collaboration tools can be found on the HIFIS website. The aim of HIFIS is to create an excellent information environment for outstanding research in all Helmholtz research fields and a seamless and powerful IT infrastructure.
4. You’ve got News?
You have recently changed jobs, received an award for your work – or are planning an event that might be of interest to other people in the network? Then please let us know!
If you send us a short paragraph about your achievement or news and preferably also a recent picture of you (including copyright info), we will include it in the next Network Newsletter!
Please send your contribution to netzwerk(at)helmholtz.de. Thank you.