Doctoral Researchers - 1st Cohort
Doctoral Researchers - 2nd Cohort
Ralf Bachmayer
Marine Environment Technology and Deepsea Engineering, University of Bremen
Christian Berndt
Marine Geodynamics, GEOMAR
Martin Claus
Ocean Dynamics, GEOMAR
Tal Dagan
Microbiology, CAU
Thorsten Dickhaus
Mathematical Statistics, University Bremen
Tanja Fromm
Geophysics, AWI
Jens Greinert
Deep Sea Monitoring, GEOMAR
Willi Hasselbring
Software Engineering, CAU
Ute Hentschel Humeida
Marine Symbioses, GEOMAR
Thomas Jung
Climate Dynamics, AWI
Thorsten Kanzow
Physical Oceanography of the Polar Seas, AWI
Boris Koch
Chemical Oceanographer, AWI
Reinhard Koch
Multimedia Information Processing, CAU
Daniel Kreyling
Atmospheric Physics, AWI
Gerrit Lohmann
Paleoclimate Dynamics, AWI
Peter Maaß
Industrial Mathematics, University Bremen
Sebastian Maneth
Databases, University Bremen
Thomas Meurer
Automatic Control, CAU (Foto: Bina Engel)
Andreas Oschlies
Biogeochemical Modelling, GEOMAR
Matthias Renz
Archaeoinformatics - Data Science, CAU
Thorsten Reusch
Marine Evolutionary Ecology, GEOMAR
Markus Rex
Atmospheric Physics, AWI
Ingo Schewe
Deep Sea Ecology and Technology, AWI
Vera Schlindwein
Geophysicist, AWI
Timm Schoening
Thomas Slawig
Algorithmic Optimal Control - CO2 Uptake of the Ocean, CAU
Thomas Soltwedel
Deep Sea Ecology and Technology, AWI
Martin Visbeck
Physical Oceanography, GEOMAR
Klaus Wallmann
Marine Geosystems, GEOMAR
Project Partners / Additional Supervisors - coming soon