13 Jan 2023 - Upcoming events & training | Q1 2023

12 Dec 2022 - MarDATA at the AGU Fall Meeting 22 in Chicago

MarDATA is striving to anchor the term Marine Data Science in the scientific community. Therefore, we are very pleased that MarDATA doctoral researchers are actively involved in the AGU Fall Meeting 22 - As speakers and chairs of the session "Interpretable Machine Learning for Marine Science", Wednesday 14 Dec!

07 Dec 2022 - First MarDATA Defense @GEOMAR

Congratulations to Dr Carola Trahms, who today became the first doctoral researcher at MarDATA ever to defend her thesis "Marine Data Fusion for Analyzing Spatio-Temproral Ocean Region Connectivity".
Carola's supervisors, Prof. Matthias Renz (CAU) and Prof. Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR), as well as many of the rest of the MarDATA doctoral researchers saw an excellent defense lecture in which Carola was able to show a clear added value for all disciplines involved.
We are very happy that Carola will continue to work at GEOMAR in the future, because after all their is #anoceanfullofdata to decipher!
Impressively well done, Carola!

10 Nov 2022 - HIDA Lecture @MarDATA - Prof A. Murat Eren

HIDA Lecture @ MarDATA
Speaker: Prof. A. Murat Eren (Meren), Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB)
Date: 10.11.2022, 15:30 Uhr
Title: "The era of high-resolution, integrated multi-omics: disturbingly complex and beautifully unique displays of the ecology and evolution of marine microbial life"
Abstract: The vast majority of life on our planet is microbial. An astonishing number of microbial organisms living in terrestrial and marine habitats represent a biomass that exceeds every living organism that can be seen by naked eye. They complement their numbers with their inconceivable diversity that allow microbes to synthesize or break down a wide array of chemical substrates, and govern biogeochemical cycles that make Earth a habitable planet for much less talented organisms (such as ourselves). While advances in molecular biology and sequencing technologies now enable unprecedented descriptions of the diversity of our naturally occurring microbial overlords, we are far from being able to make sense of the extremely complex datasets our environmental surveys yield almost on a daily basis. The purpose of this talk is to highlight some of the recent progress and challenges that are particularly suitable for data scientists to ponder.

01 Oct 2022 - Upcoming events

19 - 21 Sept 2022 - MarDATA Retreat

At last the time has come. After almost three years of not having any face-to-face meetings, we were able to finally meet and exchange ideas in person in Kiel. The central element of the three-day meeting in Kiel was the presentation of the scientific results of the first cohort of MarDATA PhD students. In addition, a total of 60 scientists from Bremen, Bremerhaven, Potsdam and Kiel, as well as guests from industry and academia, discuss the challenges and new possibilities of marine data science in various formats.

24 Aug 2022 - MarDATA meets Industry

The demand for experts in Marine Data Science in the private sector is as high as it is in the scientific community. As a follow up to a first online exchange between maritime technology companies and MarDATA in April, it was time to finaly meet in person at TransMarTech in Kiel. In a "reverse pitch" format, representatives of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, 4hJena and Meteolytix introduced their data science challenges and approaches to MarDATA doctoral researchers from Kiel, Bremen and Bremerhaven. After the pitches, company representatives were happy to answer the many questions of our MarDATAs and discuss common challenges, approaches and... maybe even solutions.
At the end of the evening, all participants agreed that the event should be the beginning of a regular exchange between MarDATA and the maritime technology industry and we are looking forward to a next "MarDATA meets Industry" soon.
Thanks to all participants and the co-organizers Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung, TransMarTech, German Association for Maritime Technology, Maritime Cluster Northern Germany and DiWiSH - The Network for the Digital North.

27 June 2022 - A look behind the scenes at MarDATA

Have you ever wondered what it means to be an Marine Data Scientist? Thanks to the great MarDATA profile that HIDA just published, we can accompany Helge Mohn on his trip to Svalbard. In addition, our speaker Prof Arne Biastoch and our scientific manager Enno Prigge give some insights into the "MarDATA Idea" and some of the internal processes and future plans. You can read the full text here

02 June 2022 - MarDATA @ HIDA Office Launch
Last Tuesday, the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA) invited to the opening of their new office space in Berlin. During the event, to which representatives from politics, science and the private sector were invited, all 6 HIDSS were able to present their research at the interface between domain and computer science.
I would like to once again thank our MarDATAs Patricia Schöntag and Tim Benedikt von See, who brought their work to Berlin as short presentations. In addition, Patricia answered questions from the many visitors throughout the evening. Thank you!

06 May 2022 - "Find Your Marine Data Science Talent" - call for company applications!

As a follow up to the initial meeting with representatives from the maritime technology sector, a consortium of MarDATA, Ki-Wi Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung, GMT - German Association for Marine Technology, Maritime Cluster Northern Germany, Digital Economy Schleswig-Holstein (DiWiSH) has set up an in-person event at TransMarTech SH in Kiel.
The aim is to bring the companies together with the doctoral students in person. A "reverse pitch" format is planned, in which the companies will have the opportunity to explain their need for marine data scientists in detail and to present the special content and technical requirements using examples. Afterwards, the direct exchange between companies and doctoral students is made possible.
Companies that want to take part in this event have to register with a short application. The MarDATA doctoral students then decide which 5 companies will be invited to the event.

26 April 2022 - "Find Your Marine Data Science Talent"

The Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) has set itself the goal of defining, training and establishing a "new type" of scientist: the "Marine Data Scientist". The training of the doctoral researchers and the selection of the funded scientific projects are initially based primarily on the needs of the (marine) scientific community.
However, Data Science & Big Data methods are not only needed in the scientific context to evaluate marine scientific data sets. In the economic environment, too, technological progress and increasing digitization are driving the need for experts who have extensive computer science expertise and at the same time have a fundamental understanding of marine science processes.
Since it can be assumed that not all MarDATA alumni want/can pursue a career in science after their doctorate, MarDATA sees it as part of its responsibility to also identify alternative career paths.
On April 26th, the scientific coordinator of MarDATA (E Prigge) met with representatives of the maritime industry to discuss the needs and requirements for marine data scientists in the private sector. All participants agreed that the interdisciplinary training at MarDATA can make a valuable contribution to training the necessary specialists for the needs of the maritime economy. In addition, the interest in identifying possible synergies at project level and working together more closely in the future was emphasized several times.

04 March 22 - HIDA Lecture @MarDATA - Prof. Markus Reichstein

HIDA Lecture @ MarDATA
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Markus Reichstein, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry & Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
Date: 24.03.2022, 15:00 Uhr
Title: "Machine-learning-model-data-integration for a better understanding of the Earth System"
Abstract: The Earth is a complex dynamic networked system. Machine learning, i.e. derivation of computational models from data, has already made important contributions to predict and understand components of the Earth system, specifically in climate, remote sensing and environmental sciences. For instance, classifications of land cover types, prediction of land-atmosphere and ocean-atmosphere exchange, or detection of extreme events have greatly benefited from these approaches. Such data-driven information has already changed how Earth system models are evaluated and further developed. However, many studies have not yet sufficiently addressed and exploited dynamic aspects of systems, such as memory effects for prediction and effects of spatial context, e.g. for classification and change detection. In particular new developments in deep learning offer great potential to overcome these limitations.
Yet, a key challenge and opportunity is to integrate (physical-biological) system modeling approaches with machine learning into hybrid modeling approaches, which combines physical consistency and machine learning versatility. A couple of examples are given with focus on the terrestrial biosphere, where the combination of system-based and machine-learning-based modelling helps our understanding of aspects of the Earth system.

21 Dec 2021 - Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
2021 has been a year full of restrictions and challenges related to the COVID19 pandemic. Once again we were forced to conduct almost all MarDATA activities online and for many of us working extended home office periods became "the new normal“. At the same time, some online formats contributed a lot to the exchange between Kiel, Bremerhaven, Bremen & Potsdam and helped us to bridge the spatial distance between MarDATAs at the different locations.
Despite all the restrictions (and sometimes short-term cancellations of face-to-face events), 2021 has also been an exciting year for MarDATA: by welcoming an amazing 2nd cohort of young doctoral researchers and PIs with 19 exciting marine data science projects we were able to more than double in size in the second half of 2021.
We are looking forward to 2022 and more fascinating marine data science… after all, there is still #anoceanfullofdata
We wish all of you a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and healthy New Year!
best regards,
Enno Prigge & Arne Biastoch

28 Oct 2021 - Upcoming events and training
08.+09.11.21: 6th Data Science Symposium, Bremen
16.11.21 10:00-12:00: "Women in Data Science: Prof. Julia Schnabel“
18.11.21 15:00-17:00: MOLS: "Marine Data Visualization: Ocean Data View" by Sebastian Mieruch (AWI)
23.-27.11.21: MarDATA Block Course, Sylt (MarDATA only)
30.11.21: HIDA Annual Conference
09.12.21 13:00-15:00: MOLS: "Introduction to Marine Chemistry" by Boris Koch (AWI)
20.01.22 15:30-17:00: MOLS: "Altmetrics & Science 2.0" by Isabella Peters (CAU)
24.02.22 15:00-17:00 "Women in Data Science: Prof Robin Teigland"
for more information, please get in touch with E Prigge

08 to 12 Sept 2021 - Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon

For the first time in months, young data scientists met in person (following a 2G protocol) in Gummersbach for the 1st Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon that was organized by Digital Earth, HIDA, Helmholtz AI, HDS-LEE and MarDATA.
45 participants from various HIDSS and Helmholtz Centres (including Louisa and Felix from MarDATA) brought their coding skills to the table and spent 3 days working on challenges ranging from leave counting and ion beam analysis and simulated root systems.

08 June 2021 - VACANCIES: 9 Phd positions in Marine Data Science
The Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) is looking for graduates in computer science, computer engineering, applied mathematics (and the like) to fill 9 PhD positions (full position E13, 36 month) in computer science and marine data science at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany.
In 9 predefined topics, doctoral researchers (PhD candidates) will address research questions on the interface between data science and marine science and will help to decrypt an #oceanfullofdata. For more information, please have a look at the call for applications and the individual vacancies.

10 May 2021 - We are hiring!!!
MarDATA is currently looking for doctoral researchers in Bremerhaven/Bremen at AWI. See Apply for more info!
27 Jan 2021 - 1st MarDATA Advisory Board Meeting

After 1 1/2 years of "Marine Data Science" education, an external view on our concept and training program can provide valuable impulses, thus we were really happy to welcome the MarDATA Advisory Board for a 1st meeting. Doctoral researchers, supervisors and the MarDATA Steering Board presented an overview of MarDATA science and education and were happy to answer questions by the MarDATA Advisory Board.
Next year, we will hopefully be able to welcome the Board to Kiel
14 Jan 2021 - We are Hiring!
MarDATA is currently looking for doctoral researchers in Bremerhaven/Bremen at AWI. See Apply for more info!
23 Oct 2020 - Next MarDATA Block Course "Advanced Scientific Programming"

We are happy to announce the next (online) MarDATA Block Course „Advanced Scientific Programming“.
We are happy to open the program to doctoral researchers (and other early career scientists) not affiliated with MarDATA at GEOMAR and AWI. While online lectures will not be limited in participants, hands-on workshops had to be limited to a certain number of participants and require a brief application.
Please note: online lectures are open to external participants (please get in touch for infos on how to join). Hands-on workshops, however, are initially limited to colleagues at GEOMAR and AWI, but (dependent upon number of registrations) might be opened at a later time.
The block course has been designed to provide broad insights into data & information sciences approaches and methodologies. Basic computer science knowledge will be a benefit when joining.
20 Oct 2020 - 2nd round of Recruitment: the project proposals are in!
MarDATA has received a number of highly interesting project proposals at the interface between Marine Science and Data & Information Science for the second round of recruitment at AWI. Submitted proposals will now be evaluated according to the MarDATA regulations.
Stay tuned for our call for applications!
30 Sept 2020 - 1st Steps towards the second round of recruitment at AWI (Bremen/Bremerhaven)
MarDATA has started to prepare the second round of recruitment at AWI (Bremen/Bremerhaven). We are currently looking for MarDATA project proposals that will be the basis for an international call for applications in early 2021.
Please note: Submitting a project proposal is only possible if you are a professor at AWI or the cooperating partner universities in Bremen!
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in contact with Dr. Enno Prigge
17 Sept 2020 - Do you want to stay up to date with MarDATA?
You are not a member of MarDATA (not yet), but would like to stay up to date with recent developments, MarDATA activities, events, calls, and future recruitments? Feel free to
- join our MarDATA News mailing list, by contacting Dr. Enno Prigge.
- follow us on Twitter
15 Sept 2020 - MarDATA @ Helmholtz Virtual Data Science Career Day

On 23 September, HIDA will host the first Helmholtz Virtual Data Science Career Day.
MarDATA is happy to join HIDA in this online event and introduce the school and GEOMAR as a potential future employer to participants from all over the world.
Join us and register now!
24 April 2020 - Second Representative for MarDATA Doctoral Researchers in Bremerhaven/Bremen elected today!

Today, MarDATA Doctoral Researchers from Bremerhaven/Bremen elected their representative:
Martin Prinzler will join the MarDATA Steering Board. Martin is working on "Machine Learning for Validation and Interpretation of Large-Scale Chemical Data in the Ocean“ at AWI and the University of Bremen.
Together, Tia (the representative from Kiel) and Martin will have two votes for the Doctoral Reseachers in the Steering Board and join strategic decision on the future development of MarDATA.
Martin, weclome on board!!
21 April 2020 - MarDATA goes online
Doctoral researchers at MarDATA are working on the interface between marine sciences and data/computer science. This requires to be familiar with state-of-the-art data science methods, but also to know the fundamental basics of marine sciences.
Since we had to cancel our 1st MarDATA Block Course „Introduction to Marine Sciences“ we have now initiated the
„MarDATA Online Lecture Series“. Starting this Thursday, Doctoral researchers will have the chance to join marine scientists in weekly online lectures that cover various marine science disciplines.
Thu 23.04: Physical Ocean (Arne Biastoch)
Thu 30.04: Climate Science (Gerrit Lohmann)
Thu 07.05: Marine Chemistry (Boris Koch)
Thu 14.05: Marine Geology (Jens Greinert)
Wed (!): 20.05: Marine Biology (Thorsten Reusch)
Thu 28.05: Bioinformatics (Tal Dagan)
Thu 04.06: Marine Geophysics (Tanja Fromm. & Vera Schlindwein)
01 April 2020 - Update SARS-CoV-2 outbreak
The 1st Mar DATA Block Course „Introduction to Marine Sciences“ on Sylt had to be postponed due to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the associated restrictions. We are currently looking into alternative formats to provide MarDATA doctoral researchers an intro to marine sciences.
In the meantime, we have established bi-weekly MarDATA Video conferences and additional communication channels to facilitate scientific exchange between doctoral researchers and supervisors and support all MarDATAs in home-office.
In close cooperation with all partners and HIDA the MarDATA-Team is constantly working on alternative digital formats to secure the comprehensive support of all members of MarDATA.
Stay healthy!
18 Feb 2020 - 1st MarDATA Block Course "Introduction to Marine Sciences" (18.-21.03.2020)

End of March 2020, Doctoral Researchers, PIs, and supervisors of MarDATA are going to meet for the first MarDATA Block Course at the AWI's Wadden Sea Station on the beautiful island of Sylt. During this 3-day event, doctoral researchers will be introduced to various marine science disciplines. In addition, we will start discussing challenges, risks and benefits of Marine Data Science and becoming a Marine Data Scientist. Participants will have the opportunity to join a short cruise on MYA II to get a short introduction to marine data sampling and get their feet wet during a hike across the mud flats.
We are looking forward to an exciting 3 days!
24 Jan 2020 - First Representative for MarDATA Doctoral Researchers in Kiel elected today

Today, MarDATA Doctoral Researchers from Kiel elected their representative: Maria-Theresia Verwega will join the MarDATA Steering Board. Together with one (still to be elected) representative from Bremen/Bremerhaven, Tia will have one vote in the Steering Board and join strategic decision on the future development of MarDATA.
Tia is working on "Development of adapted Kernel Density Estimators for the Calibration of marine biogeochemical models" at GEOMAR and the University of Kiel.
Tia, weclome on board!!
07 Nov 2019 - Kick Off Event at Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

On 07 Nov, doctoral researchers of the 1st MarDATA cohort, supervisors, and friends of MarDATA came to Kiel to officially kick off the Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science. We were especially happy to also welcome a small delegation of members of the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy from Berlin.
During the event doctoral researchers of the 1st MarDATA cohort briefly introduced their research projects, emphasizing the extensive portfolio of scientific disciplines within MarDATA.
02 Sept 2019 - Welcome MarDATAs

Today, we welcome the first of 15 MarDATAs to Kiel and Bremen/Bremerhaven. Exciting times!