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Recent news on knowledge and technology transfer

MDC startup Captain T Cell raises €8.5 million for the development of their cancer treatment

May 24, 2024

Captain T Cell, a biotech startup from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), has raised €8.5 million in startup funding to develop T cell therapies for treating solid tumors. This funding round, announced on May 22, 2024, was supported by investors such as i&i Biotech Fund, Brandenburg Kapital, and HIL-INVENT, along with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The funds will help advance their innovative T cell therapies towards clinical trials.

Captain T Cell focuses on creating first-in-class TCR-T cells designed to target tumors that current treatments can't effectively address. In preclinical tests, these T cells have shown the ability to completely eradicate aggressive tumors. The startup's proprietary TCR-ALLO platform aims to provide off-the-shelf treatment options for various cancers.

The company benefits from strong support and collaboration with the Max Delbrück Center and technology consultancy Ascenion. This funding will accelerate their mission to bring life-saving treatments to patients who need them most.

MDC Press Release →

© Captain T-Cell

Ocean data from commercial ships: Cooperation between SOOP and HX Hurtigruten Expeditions

May 16, 2024

The Helmholtz Innovation Platform "Shaping an Ocean Of Possibilities" (SOOP) and HX Hurtigruten Expeditions—a company specializing in sea expeditions to remote regions—have launched a cooperation to improve ocean observation. The goal is to conduct marine research not only from specialized research vessels but also from commercial ships. This project aims to help close data gaps in sparsely navigated ocean regions and enhance our understanding of the oceans. Additionally, passengers will gain unique insights into marine research and better understand its vital role in protecting our environment.

As part of this collaboration, various measuring devices have been installed on the expedition cruise ship MS FRIDTJOF NANSEN. During voyages from Hamburg to Reykjavik and across Norway, as well as the Shetland and Faroe Islands, these devices collect important data on sea temperature, oxygen content, salinity, microplastics, and CO2 levels. Furthermore, the project investigates how phytoplankton and eDNA (genetic traces in the water) can be used to assess biodiversity.

Dr. Toste Tanhua, coordinator of SOOP, emphasizes the importance of simple and standardized instruments for data collection to enable more comprehensive ocean monitoring. The cooperation with HX Hurtigruten Expeditions is a crucial step in testing and optimizing data collection on commercial ships.

Press Release →
SOOP Website →

Cruise ships provide data for science Caption: Espen Mills

Knowlege Transfer with SoftWert

April 4, 2024

The BMBF (Federal Ministry for Ecucation and Research) funded SoftWert project offers transfer agents a toolkit of methods for the commercial and non-commercial exploitation of scientific software. This toolkit addresses the tangible need of scientific organizations to establish suitable procedures for these exploitation processes.

In the project of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in cooperation with Saarland University and Atrineo AG, a transfer consulting and support provider, the project partners share their experiences, best practices and newly tested methods in an illustrative booklet and via the website softwert.org (only GER).

© SoftWert

DLR spin-off Lumoview receives 2.5 million euro EIC Accelerator Grant

March 11, 2024

As one of 42 funded projects from a pool of 1083 applicants, the spin-off of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) was awarded funding from the European Innovation Council. With its EIC Accelerator Grant, the young company aims to expand further and make it easier for property owners to operate their buildings more energy-efficiently.

Lumoview Building Analytics GmbH manufactures measuring devices that can be used to measure and analyze individual rooms and entire buildings quickly and cost-effectively.

Website of Lumoview →

© Lumoview Building Analytics GmbH

TherVacB - Helmholtz Munich's therapeutic vaccine against chronic hepatitis B enters the clinical phase

February 29, 2024

The therapeutic vaccine TherVacB against chronic hepatitis B, a liver disease that can lead to tissue damage and even liver cancer, developed under the leadership of Helmholtz Munich in the framework of a Helmholtz Proof-of-Concept Project, has reached the first clinical phase. Current treatments for chronic hepatitis B can reduce the viral load, but do not provide a cure for the approximately 296 million people infected worldwide.

The newly developed vaccine now has the potential to do just that: initial safety and immunogenicity tests have already been carried out in a phase 1a study on healthy volunteers in collaboration with the LMU Klinikum München and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. In a phase 1b/2a first-in-patient study, the safety and efficacy in patients with chronic hepatitis B will soon be tested in several EU countries.

Helmholtz Munich Press Release→

TherVacB Logo | Helmholtz Munich

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Start-up Days

Networking for founders: The Start-up Days take place in Dresden and Bonn, alternating annually. The event is aimed at scientists who want to start their own company with an innovative idea from research. With lectures and workshops, we provide knowledge and tips for your own start-up. Start-up personalities share their experiences and report on obstacles, challenges and successes. We organize the Start-up Days together with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Leibniz Association and the Max Planck Society.

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CTO Circle

Top-level meeting: In the CTO Circle, leaders from science and industry exchange ideas. The heads of our research units meet regularly with the management boards of companies that are active in research and with leaders from universities and other non-university research institutions.

The work of the CTO Circle centers on debates on key issues in the field of research and development. The most important event is the "Falling Walls" conference.

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Dr. Andreas Bergner

Head of Department Transfer and Innovation

Dr. Julian Alexandrakis

Manager Transfer und Innovation

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