Photon beams probe in a unique manner the crystalline and electronic structure of matter on a variety of length scales and time.
The Helmholtz Association unites all major German synchrotron radiation sources with public user access. Furthermore, Helmholtz centres are at the forefront of free electron laser (FEL) developments. At present, four synchrotron radiation sources (ANKA, BESSY II, DORIS III, PETRA III) and one FEL (FLASH) are in operation serving a large and diverse user community with a wide spectrum of different techniques. In addition, the European XFEL is being constructed.
The image shows a single shot coherent diffractive image of an artificial test structure on a SiN-membrane at FLASH. On the inset you see the reconstructed object.
X-ray free-electron lasers
More on research with photons:
Website of the German Committee Reserach with Synchrotron Radiation
Prof. Dr. Edgar Weckert
Acting Director of Photon Science
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Notkestraße 85
D-22607 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-40-8998-4509