The Research Field Matter - from the Microworld to the Whole Universe
Matter is the basic material of our existence. Stars and planets are made of it, as are humans and microbes.
Credit: European XFEL/Blue Clay Studios
The Helmholtz Research Field Matter explores the most diverse facets - from the tiny elementary particles to the big picture, the cosmos: How has the universe developed since the Big Bang? And what do the basic building blocks of matter look like, what holds them together? Both questions are closely related: Those particles that had been created in the first moments of the universe had decisively shaped its development.
Furthermore, the research area investigates those regions that lie between these two extremes - for example crystals, plastics or proteins. Their properties are determined by the interaction of the atoms and molecules that make them up. And the more precisely we understand the highly complex interplay of these atoms and molecules, the more precisely we can develop new high-tech materials,electronic materials and medicines. By analyzing the microscopic structure of a wide variety of materials, we are not only creating insights that are sometimes completely unexpected, but also essential foundations for future innovations.
To achieve its goals, Helmholtz operates a number of top-class large-scale research facilities. For example, the synchrotron radiation sources PETRA III in Hamburg and BESSY II in Berlin provide high-intensity X-ray light that can be used to analyze the structure of nanomaterials and biomolecules down to the atom. Helmholtz is also significantly involved in numerous international research facilities - such as the world's most powerful X-ray laser, the European XFEL in Hamburg, or the experiments at the world's largest particle accelerator, the LHC, at CERN in Geneva. In the future, further scientific beacons will be added: FAIR, the world's most powerful accelerator complex for nuclear and hadron physics, is being built in Darmstadt. This deals with the study of all particles containing the tiny elementary particles quarks, known as hadrons. Among other things, FAIR will provide answers to the question of how the chemical elements inside a star are "baked" in detail.
The Research Field Matter works closely with other Helmholtz fields as well as with universities, companies and research organizations in Germany and abroad. In this way, it creates synergies between basic and application-oriented research and continues to develop into a magnet for young scientists.
The Research Field Matter has created a new platform to promote knowledge transfer and public presentation. Through the knowledge transfer activities, scientific findings are to be made accessible to society and brought into application. It also aims to share basic knowledge with society. Users now have the opportunity to virtually explore major research infrastructures and access public research data and software.
The mission:
How did the cosmos come into being, how did it evolve?
Exploring the microcosm: What is matter made of, what are its basic building blocks?
Analyzing materials: What will the materials of the future be like?
Understanding biomolecules: How do proteins work at the atomic level?
Designing and building large-scale facilities: How to push the limits of what is technically feasible?
Education: How can we best support young scientists?
Collaboration with industry: How can scientific knowledge be translated into innovation?
Three research programs:
Selected research infrastructures:
- X-ray laser (European XFEL, FLASH)
- Synchrotrons (PETRA III, BESSY II)
- Particle detectors (ALICE, ATLAS and CMS at the LHC, Belle II at SuperKEKB)
- Neutron sources (FRM II)
- Heavy ion accelerators (UNILAC and SIS18, SIS100 under construction at FAIR)
- Heavy ion storage rings (ESR, fragment separator, HITRAP, Cryring)
- Astroparticle physics experiments (IceCube, Pierre Auger Observatory, CTA, Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment)
- Ion Beam Center (IBC)
Helmholtz Photon Sciene Roadmap 2021
The joint strategy of the Helmholtz Centers in Hamburg (DESY), Berlin (HZB) and Dresden (HZDR) on accelerator-based light sources in Germany
Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt
Research field coordinator Matter
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Dr. Ilja Bohnet
Chief Research Manager Matter