The Tool for Energy Analysis and Simulation for Efficient Retrofit (TEASER)
The Tool for Energy Analysis and Simulation for Efficient Retrofit (TEASER) allows a fast generation of individual archetype buildings with low input requirements and the export of dynamic building simulation models for AixLib and other open-source Modelica libraries.
The increase of renewable energy sources for electrical and thermal energy generation requires flexible and secure energy storage and distribution systems. Dynamic building performance simulation is a key tool to consider these changes in energy systems and buildings. Sparse and limited access to detailed building information is one major challenge for building simulation on an urban scale. In addition, data acquisition and modeling for building performance simulations are time consuming and error-prone. To enable the use of building performance simulations on an urban scale, we present TEASER, an open framework for urban energy modeling of building stocks. TEASER provides an easy interface for multiple data sources (e.g. CityGML, SQL, …), data enrichment (if necessary), and export of ready-to-run Modelica simulation models for all libraries supporting the Modelica IBPSA library.
Open-source available here.
Source: Remmen P, Lauster M, Mans M, Fuchs M, Osterhage T, and Müller D. TEASER: an open tool for urban energy modelling of building stocks. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2018;11(1):84-98.
Acknowledgements: Parts of TEASER have been developed within public funded projects and with financial support by BMWi (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy). [BMWi.jpg]