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New European Aviation Research Strategy

Project Reference: 266176
Activity Code: AAT.2010.7-15.
Coordinator:Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt


The proposed project shall provide driving support to the development of a strategic agenda for research in Europe for a 2030+ horizon. In particular, it will initiate and execute the involvement and consultation of all major stakeholders of this sector for the development of the agenda.

Background to the Proposal
In 2001, the Group of Personalities, initiated by then-EC Commissioner Philippe Busquin, presented their Vision 2020 on the future of air transport and the resulting challenges for European research. This report was the impetus for founding the Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research in Europe (ACARE), which published the Strategic Research Agendas SRA 1 (2002), SRA 2 (2004) and a 2008 Addendum to SRA 2.
Currently, a new "Vision" aiming beyond 2030 is projected and is expected to be available at the start of this project. This Vision, in combination with the findings of evaluation and assessment projects such as MEFISTO and AGAPE, will form the basis upon which a new roadmap for European research will be developed.

Expected Deliveries and Impact
The new agenda will be the focus for future aeronautics and air transport research, on the European level as well as for national and industrial programmes. The aim is to ensure that, in times of unpredicted challenges and limited resources, mobility needs of the European citizen are satisfied safely and more sustainably, and that Europe continues to maintain its leading position in a technology sector of strategic and commercial importance and political prestige.

Project Details:

Start Date: 2011-01-01
End Date: 2012-06-30
EU Contribution: 470 375  Euro
Total Costs: 557 211 Euro 
Contract Type: Support actions
Programme Acronym: FP7-Transport
Subprogramme Area: AAT.2010.7-15. Updating the strategic agenda for aeronautics and air transport research in Europe
Administrative Contact Person: Iris GLASMACHERS (Ms.)


  • AD CUENTA BV – Netherlands