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ERA_NET ON ECO_INNOVATION - Boosting eco-innovation through joint cooperation in research and dissemination

Activity Code: ENV.2010.1.3.4-2
Coordinator: Ms Anke Krüger, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - Germany


Objective: Eco-innovations (EI), i.e. 'green' technologies, processes, products and services have an increasing impact for the global competitiveness of European industry. To reach a worldwide leading position, it needs to boost the implementation of EI in industry, especially in SMEs. The ERA-Net on EI will support research and dissemination in the field of EI. The success of EI is determined by criteria that will be promoted through multi-level and systemic approach, considering the social, economic, political and technological context.

To promote the development and implementation of EI in Europe, following activities will be performed: (1) Pooling of Europe's most relevant research and innovation programmes; (2) Developing a networking platform for information exchange on activities related to EI research in Europe and broadening the network, and (3) Creating a common research funding platform. Supported by 25 partners, the ERA-Net is built on 4 work packages: Strategy & network development, leader SenterNovem (NL); Joint calls, leader ANR (FR); Other joint activities, leader MATIMOP-ISERD (IL); Management & Dissemination, leader Juelich (DE). The ERA-Net aims to support research, innovation and environmental policy makers with best practices for funding EI. Researchers will also profit from facilitated access to transnational research.

The development of common metrics for the ex-ante assessment will help to take the whole life cycle of a project / programme into account. Activities for a better EI transfer from research to industry and market will be performed: e.g. assessing the role of information technology and of integrated concepts like 'green technology parks'. The public awareness of the ERA-Net and EI will be promoted via target-group selected tools and active interaction with stakeholders and/or expert networks.

Project Details:

Start Date: 01.10.2010
End Date: 30.09.2014
EU Contribution: 1,999,963 Euro 
Total Costs: 2,359,944 Euro
Funding Scheme: Coordination (or networking) actions
ScientificCoordinator: Ms Anke Krüger, a.krueger@fz-juelich.de


  • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ), Germany
  • Agence de l'environment et de la maitrise de l'energie (ADEME), France
  • Ministerie van infrastructuur en milieu, The Netherlands
  • Ministry of education, youth and science (MON), Bulguria
  • Forskningsrodet for miljo, areella naringar och samhallsbyggande (FORMAS), Sweden
  • Narodowe centrum badan i rozwoju (NCBIR), Poland
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany
  • Agence nationale de la recherche, France
  • Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH, Austria
  • Environmental protection agency of Ireland (EPA), Ireland
  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany
  • Ministerie van economische zaken, landbouw en innovatie, The Netherlands
  • Israeli industry center for research & development (MATIMOP),  Israel
  • Finpiemonte S.P.A., Italy
  • Regione Piemonte, Italy
  • Turkiye Bilimsel ve teknolojik arastirma kurumu, Turkey
  • Teknologian ja innovaatioiden kehittaemiskeskus (TEKES), Finland
  • Ministerio de ciencia e innovacion, Spain
  • Ministrstvo za visoko solstvo, znanost in technologijo (MVZT), Slovenia
  • The Technology strategy board (INNVATEUK), United Kingdom
  • Fonds National de la recherche (FNR), Luxemburg
  • Agentschap voor innovatie door wetenschap en technologie (IWT), Belgium
  • Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), Germany
  • Danish Ministry of the environment, Denmark
  • Sociedad publica gestion ambiental ihobe s.a., Spain