Challenge #34
Securing our energy and raw material supplies.
Be it renewable energy from geothermal plants or copper for new power lines, energy and raw material resources will be necessary for our high-tech society and the coming energy transition. However, the increasingly costly access to many georesources presents us with major challenges.
Participating centers
More people than ever before live in urban centers and use sophisticated technologies. Therefore, we are working to address one of the most fundamental challenges facing today’s society: securing the future supply of energy and raw materials, the very foundation on which we will build our 21st century infrastructures. Our goal is to expand the use of renewable energies in the 21st century and to enable the transition from fossil and nuclear energy to renewable energies. In doing so, we aim to achieve the targeted reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as well as support a growing circular economy. During this transition, geoscience solutions will be needed for sustainable energy, raw material supply, and subsurface storage of energy sources and waste. In this context, the deep subsurface is becoming increasingly important.
(Header: Mark Hannington)