Challenge #104
Saving resources in research.
We want to use our large research facilities more sustainably in the future. To make this happen, are developing innovative solutions and systems.
Participating centers
Our cutting-edge research often relies on large-scale equipment. But these highly complex infrastructures, such as particle accelerators or data centers, currently still consume large amounts of energy and resources.
We want to use these systems more efficiently and sustainably in the future. To this end, we are developing comprehensive management concepts in our research fields Matter and Energy. The researchers in these fields are investigating several approaches. For example, they are researching and testing energy-efficient technologies and improved materials for components, as well as optimizing AI-based control systems and designing digital models for the complex facilities. They are also developing special cooling processes and methods for the use of waste heat.
In addition, they are tackling the challenges of converting the experimental systems to run on renewable energy. Electricity from wind and solar power, for example, does not flow steadily, but our research infrastructures must have highly stable and reliable power supplies to function.
Therefore, we already have pilot projects and demonstrators being tested at our facilities to find out what the research landscape of tomorrow may look like. The solutions and systems discovered in this way will not only help science but will also provide innovative ideas for the sustainable restructuring of society as a whole.
(Photo: J. Hosan/GSI)