Challenge #18
Reducing man-made noise sources in the ocean.
The oceans are getting louder and louder. We are investigating how this noise is affecting the behavior of marine animals and how we can further reduce noise sources in the ocean.
Participating centers
Marine munitions detonations, seismic surveys, and piling operations at sea can be heard for miles underwater. Added to this is the noise of ships, motor boats and jet skis. Scientific studies show that more animal species are affected by this noise than previously thought. This can influence animals’ behavior, drive them out of their habitat, interfere with their search for food or, in extreme cases, even damage their hearing. Many marine animals communicate through sounds and calls. The communication of life in the sea, known as the marine soundscape, is being disrupted more and more by the growing noise footprint. A study with the participation of the AWI shows how serious the problem is. But it also shows that we can reduce the noise through international cooperation and new technologies.
Image: Thomas Ronge/Alfred-Wegener-Institut