Challenge #129
New perspectives for the region.
The Rhenish Revier is a region in transition; away from lignite towards a sustainable, bio-based circular economy. We are actively involved in shaping this structural change.
Participating centers
The region between Aachen, Mönchengladbach and Cologne is still the largest lignite mining area in Europe, with well-known mining locations such as Garzweiler and Hambach. But the Rhenish mining area is facing a turnaround in resources, driven by the phase-out of coal: In times of climate change, fossil-based, linear economic activity–producing, consuming, throwing away–is an outdated model.
The BioökonomieREVIER initiative therefore wants to transform the area into a model region for sustainable circular economy. With this system, raw and residual materials are used and recycled as intensively as possible.
Since the start of the initiative in the summer of 2018, our teams at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, together with partners from science and industry, have already developed numerous practical ideas, such as the dual use of arable land: Cultivated plants grow on the ground, while solar modules generate renewable electricity above them. Other projects are studying how bacteria can be used to produce bioplastics from sugar waste, and they have also developed packaging made from plant fibers.
To ensure that this fundamental structural change in the economy in the Rhenish Revier succeeds, we bring scientists together with regional companies, start-ups, schools, municipalities and politicians.
Participatory offers for local people are also particularly important to us because they, above all, should benefit from the new ideas: Through new jobs and a more sustainable approach to nature.
Image: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Sascha Kreklau