Challenge #124
Developing virtual aircraft.
We ensure that new aircraft come to market faster and more cost-effectively with the help of digital simulations.
Participating centers
Innovations in aviation require enormous amounts of time and money because before new aircraft are put into service they must undergo numerous simulations and test flights; after all, safety is a top priority in the aviation industry. State authorities must also check whether the innovative models comply with all environmental regulations.
This process could be accelerated significantly in the future: Our scientists working at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) are developing various digital simulation programs for testing new technologies and components. They also simulate entire aircraft virtually. So-called digital twins can be used to test air flows in a similar way to air tunnels. These computer models push forward the planning of new models because engineers can use them to discover possible deficiencies in their designs much earlier, and can therefore make precise targeted adjustments.
Our goal is to refine these programs so that aviation authorities will recognize the models as evidence when certifying new aircraft in future. Such methods are also of interest for space travel, the energy sector, and road and rail traffic. That is why we are bundling our research activities in these areas in the cross-cutting project "Simulation Based Certification".
In this way, innovations can be put into practice more quickly, without making any concessions in terms of safety.
Image: DLR