Challenge #99
Designing a supply chain for green hydrogen.
From vision to working scenario: We provide ideas for a climate-friendly energy supply and are designing the hydrogen system of the future.
Participating centers
In its climate policy, Germany is focusing strongly on green hydrogen. It is to be a central building block in the future greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply. It is also highly versatile in its uses, not only in industry but also in transportation or power generation. Hydrogen can even serve as an energy storage medium and thus bridge long dark periods, i.e. times when hardly any solar or wind energy can be generated.
However, it is currently unclear whether the green hydrogen Germany needs for its energy transition can be produced domestically, because producing it requires large amounts of energy from renewable sources.
We are closing this knowledge gap. Our researchers are investigating the needs and potential of the hydrogen industry and are developing models for the future supply. For example, their analyses show that a substantial proportion of hydrogen can indeed be produced domestically, but at least half of the future demand will have to be met by imports. They are also developing concepts for the future hydrogen infrastructure, such as computer models that show possible layouts of pipelines.
In this way, we are already making Germany fit for green hydrogen.
(Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Sascha Kreklau)