Challenge #60
Defeating Parkinson's.
So far, treatments for the brain disease Parkinson’s are limited. That is why we are developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods to facilitate early detection and increase the chances of a cure.
Participating centers
According to our best estimates, there are at least 200,000 Parkinson's patients in Germany, with the number always growing. Those affected suffer in particular from motor impairments, i.e. movement disorders such as tremors or stiffening of the arms and legs. So far, these symptoms are only treatable to a certain extent, but the disease itself is not curable.
At the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), we are therefore conducting in-depth research into Parkinson's, such as investigating, for example, whether defects in the genetic information promote the disease or malfunctions of the mitochondria, the tiny power plants inside our cells. Scientists also analyze the role of clumped proteins and monitor the gut microbiome or inflammation.
Researchers hope to discover specific biomarkers for Parkinson's, i.e. reliable indicators of the disease that would allow for early detection and also pave the way for new, personalized therapies. In this way, we decisively improve the lives of those affected and provide them with precisely tailored therapeutic help.
(Header: DZNE/Sinead O’Sullivan - Di Monte Lab)