Challenge #89
Catalysts as accelerators of the energy transition.
Without catalysts, many chemical reactions would not even start. New catalyst materials should also accelerate the energy transition.
Participating centers
Catalysts often dramatically reduce the energy required for the desired chemical reaction and get it started in the first place. A well-known example is the "catalytic converter" in cars, which renders toxic exhaust gas components harmless.
Catalysts are indispensable for the energy transition, for example, the production of green hydrogen through the electrolysis of water with electricity from the sun or wind. Or to convert CO2 directly into valuable chemicals or fuels.
We develop new catalytically active materials and investigate how they influence the desired reactions. To this end, we operate large-scale research facilities and special laboratories in Hamburg, Berlin, Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, and Dresden. In Berlin, HZB is establishing the CatLab research platform with partners to develop innovative catalysts based on thin-film technologies to produce green hydrogen. In this way, we are paving the way for high-performance catalysts in the future.
(Photo: M. Künsting/HZB)