Challenge #17
Broader use of high-efficiency, carbon-neutral fuel cell technology.
Through novel design, materials, and manufacturing processes, we can improve the performance and reliability of fuel cells. This will reduce costs and open up new areas of application.
Participating centers
Fuel cells convert hydrogen or hydrogen-rich fuels into electricity through electrochemical reactions, making them both environmentally friendly and efficient sources of electricity. Our researchers are working to improve various types of fuel cells, such as solid oxide, high- and low-temperature polymer electrolyte, and direct methanol fuel cells. Their different properties and operating conditions make them suitable for different applications. For example, they can be used in combined heat and power plants, in on-board electricity supplies for trucks and aircraft, for powering logistics vehicles, and as uninterruptible power supplies.
Scientists in various fields are working together on an interdisciplinary basis to bring about advancements in electrochemical and thermodynamic processes, optimizing materials, and building and testing complete prototype systems. Our goal: fuel cells that achieve a long service life at high efficiencies and at competitive costs.
(Header: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Ralf-Uwe Limbach)