Challenge #103
Better quality of life for people with dementia.
The care of dementia patients is highly demanding. We have therefore developed specialized training for caregivers. These specialists advise those affected and thus help them to become more independent.
Participating centers
People with dementia depend on highly complex support so that they can live independently for as long as possible. But this care is often extremely stressful for relatives. That is why we are developing a new counseling and care concept for dementia patients and their families.
The core element of our strategy is specially trained nursing staff, so-called "Dementia Care Managers." They visit the patients on site and collect important data, for example on health complaints, the use of medication or the type and frequency of doctor visits. From this information, the managers draw up an individual care plan, which they coordinate with the supervising primary care physicians.
The success of this individualized counseling is clear: patients show fewer conspicuous behaviors and receive appropriately tailored medication. This measurably improves their quality of life. On average, they can stay at home for seven months longer before having to be transferred to a retirement or nursing home. In addition, family members are also relieved and treatment costs are reduced.
This innovative training program was developed by the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). In the meantime, seminars for "Dementia Care Managers" are offered nationwide.
(Photo: DZNE/www.schmelz-fotodesign.de)