Quantum Technologies
Quantum technology will change our world in science, industry, business and everyday life.
Quantum technologies enable the development of completely new types of high-performance computers, but also create innovations in fields as diverse as data security, materials research and sensor technology.
We are therefore pooling our expertise in the field and have created Helmholtz Quantum, a unique platform for researching and developing quantum technologies.
Together with national and European partners at universities, research institutions and in industry, we follow a holistic approach: from basic research to system development and application. Helmholtz is active in five main areas: Quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensors, quantum materials and basic research, and simulation and numerical methods. In addition, we develop, build and operate strong infrastructures for research into quantum technologies.
Superpose me!
Prof. Dr. Astrid Lambrecht
Research field coordinator information
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Tommaso Calarco
Chairman Quantum Community Network in the EU Quantum Flagship
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Dr. Christine Mieck
Chief Research Manager Information
Helmholtz Association