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Information & Data Science Pilot Projects

The Helmholtz Association has therefore specifically strengthened its expertise in the field of Information & Data Science.

Pilot projects 1

The Helmholtz Association has therefore specifically strengthened its expertise in the field of Information & Data Science. Five highly innovative research projects received funding totaling 17 million euros for three years in 2017.

Pilot projects 2

The incubator continues to provide impetus to strengthen the community's information- and data-based research. In this way, the incubator catalyzes the development of pioneering projects that transcend the usual disciplinary and research field boundaries. With a second call for pilot projects in 2019, Helmholtz is investing an additional total of over 40 million euros in the future of research.

To the press release


Dr. Sören Wiesenfeldt

Head of Department Research
Helmholtz Association

Florian Grötsch

Manager Information and Data Science
Helmholtz Association

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