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Our research centers develop joint research programs. This ensures that complex issues at Helmholtz are always tackled by highly qualified scientists from a wide range of disciplines. International, independent reviewers examine the quality and innovative strength of our programs, and only after their approval are they funded.

Our Reserach

In our six research fields, we address the big questions of our time every day.

What we research

First-class research needs unique infrastructures. We develop, build and operate powerful research facilities such as the world's most powerful X-ray laser, research vessels, supercomputers and accelerator facilities. They are used by thousands of researchers from all over the world every year.

The combination of talent and the resources that are continuously available for research is unique at this level in the world.
Peter Schlosser, Arizona State University / Reviewer of Helmholtz Research Programs in Earth and Environment.

Our knowledge

We want to share new knowledge more quickly within the research community and exchange and network better. We therefore make our research data, publications and software open and accessible to all so that results reach society more quickly.

Open Science


Dr. Sören Wiesenfeldt

Head of Department Research
Helmholtz Association

Dr. Ilja Bohnet

Chief Research Manager Matter
Helmholtz Association

Dr. Cathrin Brüchmann

Chief Research Manager Earth and Environment
Helmholtz Association

Dr. Katja Großmann

Chief Research Manager Health
Helmholtz Association

Dr. Egbert Jolie

Chief Research Manager Energy
Helmholtz Association

Dr. Christine Mieck

Chief Research Manager Information
Helmholtz Association

Nicolas Tellner

Chief Research Manager Aeronautics, Space and Transport
Helmholtz Association

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