Cutting-edge technologies
Great success for Helmholtz with the ERC Synergy Grants

Synergy. Graphic: Boutique/Shutterstock
Helmholtz researchers received seven out of 37 grants in the current call for proposals - more than ever before.
From structural biology and quantum technology to Arctic climate research - this year the European Research Council is funding seven projects led by Helmholtz centers with Synergy Grants. Unlike the ERC individual grants, Synergy Grants involve two to four partners working together on groundbreaking questions, new methods and techniques. The funding is up to 10 million euros for a maximum period of six years.
"I sincerely congratulate Alfred Wegener Institute, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for receiving ERC Synergy Grants," says Helmholtz President Otmar D. Wiestler. "The fact that the ERC is funding seven projects of our brilliant minds from different disciplines impressively confirms the excellence that characterizes our association. They all contribute to Helmholtz playing a leading role in the international research landscape, making relevant contributions to our society and providing strong ideas for tomorrow's cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. For their projects I wish the honourees great success and outstanding findings."
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