“Germany mustn’t lose sight of its ambitious goals”

Picture: HZB / David Ausserhofer
The Science Year 2025 is dedicated to the topic of “Future Energy.” We talked about the transformation of our energy system with Bernd Rech, Scientific Director of the Helmholtz Center Berlin and Vice President for the research area “Energy” at the Helmholtz Association.
Where does Germany stand in terms of restructuring its energy system?
In Germany, we are making great strides in transforming our energy system. For example, 60 percent of our electricity now comes from renewable sources, compared to less than five percent in 1990. Thanks to new technologies, we’re working much more efficiently than just a few decades ago. This is another reason why CO2 emissions in Germany have been significantly reduced. Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions have essentially been cut in half since 1990. Economic growth has been decoupled from energy consumption. However, there is still a great deal of work to be done, because climate change persists and three quarters of all global CO2 emissions are connected to energy demand. In Germany, renewables now account for 20 percent of our total primary energy consumption. So, there’s still a lot to be done – especially in the areas of transport, industry and heating.
How can research help?
Research creates indispensable conditions for the further development of our energy system. Individual components are becoming more efficient and more powerful thanks to technological advances – for example, wind turbines, photovoltaic systems and batteries. High-tech products can now be mass-produced. However, it is not only the individual components that are crucial, but also the system architecture – how a transformed energy system with countless decentralized sources works, how we generate heat from electricity, and how we store energy. To establish a suitable architecture, we have to link the various sectors of the energy system, such as industry and transport – from energy generation to consumption, from electricity to heat. This will guarantee stability and seamless energy security. To this end, we have developed integrative scenarios that include socio-economic aspects and show how our energy supply can be restructured to become increasingly sustainable and CO2-neutral. Hydrogen will play a key role in this.
How so?
Hydrogen produced from renewable energies makes it possible to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, especially in industry and transport. This also applies wherever the direct use of electricity from renewable energies isn’t possible or feasible. Climate-neutral synthetic fuels, e.g. for aviation, can also be produced from hydrogen. In the electricity sector, hydrogen contributes to the security of the energy supply as a storage medium for solar and wind power.
How is the expansion of the hydrogen economy progressing?
We are now entering a new phase in the expansion of the hydrogen economy: pilot projects have shown how we can move forward. The next step is to scale up these technologies: producing green hydrogen on a large scale while also developing the markets for it. This raises the question of who will take the first steps, with what, and in what order. This requires a great deal of patience.
The security of our energy supply is also increasingly coming into focus.
Some unexpected developments in recent years have taught us to plan for crises: from supply bottlenecks in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic to the collapse of gas imports due to the war in Ukraine. We have learned that security of supply and sustainability require new, recyclable materials and products.
How is research helping here?
Helmholtz Energy is working intensively to develop innovations that accelerate the implementation of a sustainable energy system and help to reduce energy costs and enhance security of supply. Among other things, we are conducting research – from the basics to application – into technologies that make a significant contribution to the energy mix, into affordable and sustainable storage technologies, and into the digitalization of the energy infrastructure.
What challenges are there in terms of the stability and security of the energy supply?
Firstly, there are the system-inherent aspects. Above all, this means being prepared for dark and wind-calm periods: if there is a short-term lack of sun and/or wind, storage or power plant capacities must be available to step in. On the other hand, these storage capacities are also needed for electricity surpluses. Secondly, external disruptions are a real concern: in an increasingly digitalized system, cyber security is at the top of the agenda, with backup solutions such as individually switchable or deployable modules. Thirdly, we’re dealing with technological sovereignty but also with international exchanges: Germany will remain dependent on energy imports in the long term, for example in the form of hydrogen from sunny regions such as Africa. Conversely, we will export technologies. In this context, the stability of our partnerships is important. So political and social foresight can also contribute to the resilience of our energy supply in decades to come.
Will sun and wind be the dominant energy sources of the future?
Manufacturing plants that use sun and wind are showing the greatest growth globally. And for good reason: the potential is enormous, and these sources can be used cost-effectively. Less than one percent of the available global solar radiation could meet all of humanity’s energy needs. The only catch is that the input from the sun and wind fluctuates. Hydropower and the sustainable use of biomass are important additions. Plus, the potential of geothermal energy is far from exhausted.
The potential return of nuclear fission in Germany has sparked intense political debate. Is it a realistic option?
There are a number of issues to consider, it’s not a black-and-white decision. Nuclear fission currently produces around ten percent of the world’s electricity. Although it is CO2-neutral, it also presents us with the unsolved problem of radioactive waste. The construction of new power plants involves significant costs and very long planning and construction times, as can be seen in the current new-build projects in France, England and Finland. And beside economic viability, public acceptance is an important factor. Regardless of the long-term outcome, nuclear power won’t solve any problems in Germany in the short term. However, we still need nuclear expertise – not only in terms of safety, but also with regard to final storage, which will remain an issue in this country.
Could nuclear fusion become a major factor in the long term?
Energy is a basic human need – and global demand is on the rise. Nuclear fusion is a worthwhile goal as a virtually inexhaustible source that works with little risk and can deliver consistently. However, it still requires a great deal of research. Important successes have already been achieved. With the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, for example, Max Planck and Helmholtz researchers have made progress in magnetic confinement using a particularly innovative concept. The major international project ITER is making progress and another physical concept is being tested with laser fusion. However, it is clear that larger power plants of this kind won’t be available until the second half of this century at the earliest. It would be good to have another important tool for the future in the form of nuclear fusion by then.
What do you expect from the next German government in terms of further advancing energy policy?
Germany mustn’t lose sight of its ambitious goals for the restructuring of the energy system and needs a strategic plan that lays out the steps for achieving those goals in the long term. On this basis, political decisions can provide security for future investment decisions. In view of international competition, agility is called for. We will contribute to this with research, ingenuity, and transfer to industry and society. Only innovation will keep Germany competitive.
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