Equal Opportunities
Our cutting-edge research thrives on the ideas and excellence of our employees, regardless of their gender or background.
Equal opportunity is a core value of the Helmholtz Association: Everyone should be able to develop optimally, both personally and professionally - at all stages of their career. We support this goal by, among other things:
- A wide range of offers to reconcile work and family life, which can also be adapted to individual needs
- Promoting women who aspire to management positions
- Including equal opportunities as a topic in all talent management programs and measures
- Equal opportunities as an evaluation criterion in the review of research programs
Anna Born
Manager Talent Programs, Executive Development and Diversity
Helmholtz Association
Gülcin Abbaszade
Speaker workgroup of the equal opportunities officers
Helmholtz Munich
Katja Flaig
Speaker workgroup of the equal opportunities officers
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research