The five programs of the Helmholtz Leadershipo Academy are tailored to the leadership experience and challenges of the participants.
The programs of the Helmholtz Leadership Academy teach leadership skills with a focus on the topics of personnel - strategy - organization in the context of scientific organizations. They are tailored to the specific challenges of the various target groups.
The following learning elements are part of the programs:
Kick-Off/Review: The virtual kick-off is the start of the program. Participants get to know each other and their trainers and gain an in-depth insight into the curriculum. In the digital review, they evaluate the learning experience together and conclude the program.
Camp: In the camps, participants learn about various methods and tools for their leadership work and apply these directly to their current issues. By working on their own cases, they take away concrete solutions for their daily work routine. In addition, fireside chats with experienced executives offer the opportunity for exchange and networking.
online modules: The online modules serve to convey additional focal points beyond the topics of the camps.
Testing: Participants use the phases between the camps and online modules to try out the solutions developed there in practice, share experiences and network. The results of the testing phases are evaluated together at the camps.
Assessment: In the programs "Leading in the Matrix", "Taking the Lead" and "Leading your Group", participants are given the opportunity to reflect on issues relating to their own career development as part of an assessment.
The cross-center composition of participants from science, administration and infrastructure as well as the support of a trainer duo guarantee an optimal learning outcome.