Executive Committee
The executive committee of the Helmholtz Association includes eight vice-presidents in addition to the President and the Managing Director.
The vice-presidents support, advise and represent the president in the fulfilment of his duties, which include implementing the program-oriented funding system and coordinating the development of programs across research fields and developing the Association's overall strategy. Each of the Helmholtz Association's six research fields is represented by a vice-president who is responsible for its coordination; in addition, there are two vice-presidents from the centers' administrative bodies.
Members of the Executive Committee
Franziska Broer
Managing Director Helmholtz Association
Susanne Buiter
Vice-President Research Field Earth & Environment
Astrid Lambrecht
Vice-President Research Field Information
Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla
Vice-President Research Field Aeronautics, Space and Transport
Credits (from left to right): Helmholtz/Phil Dera, Helmholtz/Phil Dera, HZB/David Ausserhofer, MDC/Peter Himsel, Forschungszentrum Jülich/Ralf-Uwe Limbach, DLR, HZDR /C. Reichelt, DKFZ/Jutta Jung, HZDR