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Helmholtz Institute Münster

How can we succeed in storing electricity in large quantities and in as small a space as possible in the long term? The Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) is working on this key question of the energy transition.

The institute brings together the expertise of Forschungszentrum Jülich, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU Münster) and Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen). The joint research focuses on the study of electrolytes; the most important component of any battery. Accordingly, the HI MS bears the epithet "Ionics in Energy Storage".

In batteries, electrolytes serve on the one hand as a medium for ion transport, and on the other hand as a central component with which all battery components react. Innovative electrolytes can decisively advance the development of storage technologies: HI Münster is working towards this goal. The competences of the three partners complement each other ideally: The research center MEET (Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology) of the WWU Münster enjoys an excellent international reputation in the field of rechargeable lithium and lithium-ion batteries with liquid and polymer electrolytes. This strong competence in electrochemistry is complemented by the expertise of Forschungszentrum Jülich in the field of materials research. Here, the focus is on the research, synthesis and development of cation- and anion-conducting ceramics. RWTH Aachen University completes the cooperation with its cutting-edge research in the field of large-format cells and anion-conducting ceramics.

To complement the portfolio of energy storage research, HI MS also cooperates closely with the established Helmholtz Institute Ulm for Electrochemical Energy Storage.

Click here for the institute's website


Dr. Egbert Jolie

Chief Research Manager Energy
Helmholtz Association

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