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Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology Mainz

HI-TRON Mainz is advancing research in the fight against cancer. To this end, it combines the outstanding international expertise of its partner organizations to develop personalized immunotherapies against cancer.

At HI-TRON Mainz (Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology Mainz), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) cooperates with the Mainz University Medical Center (UMC Mainz), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Research Institute for Translational Oncology (TRON gGmbH).

HI-TRON Mainz research focuses on three areas: "Personalized biomarker research", "Innovative immunotherapies" and "Clinical translation and implementation". Biomarker research deals with the creation of individual tumor profiles and their correlation with therapy response. These findings are incorporated into the development of innovative immunotherapy concepts and their preclinical research. In addition, the aim is to rapidly implement and continuously improve novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches as part of clinical trials.

Click here for the institute's website


Dr. Katja Großmann

Chief Research Manager Health
Helmholtz Association

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